Thursday, December 3, 2009

How do I get rid of bumble bees in my balcony? Do they go away on their own by the time spring ends?

if you have one, try to find the hive (it should be near by) and use a power sparyer on it, then run back in the house! i know it seems dangerous but they'll go away after like and hour after you destroy the hive.How do I get rid of bumble bees in my balcony? Do they go away on their own by the time spring ends?
Hi, if you have a nest, call the City. They might be the Africanised ones. Those are the aggressive ones. I'd call the city even if you don't see a nest. It could be hidden inside the walls, or the ceiling. I wouldn't mess with them! Call the city.Bye Or Animal control.How do I get rid of bumble bees in my balcony? Do they go away on their own by the time spring ends?
I would call the city or county extension office. They might be a swarm and they have people who will come and get them for you. Most likely they are looking for food. Early in the spring they don't have much food because there aren't many flowers for them to get nectar for. An old pioneer remedy was to put a pie tin of sugar water in a out of they way corner of your yard they will go to that and leave the balcony alone. I've done that here and it really helped.
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