Is it true that the honey of a bumble bee is green ?What colour honey does a bumble bee produce ?
Bumble Bees DO NOT produce honey. They are the male of the species and as such are ALWAYS out of the beehive and down at the Bees Knees Inn putting the BUZZ on some unsupecting Queen.
Honey is ONLY produced in the hive by the worker bee and for the exclusive use of the hive-unless they have a contract with the AFWU, (Amalgamated Field Workers Union) to donate half of their production to the bee keeper.What colour honey does a bumble bee produce ?
no, only their relatives - the honey bee, bumblebees feed on nectar and gather pollen to feed their young. In addition, Bumblebees form colonies. However, their colonies are usually much less extensive than those of honey bees.
I just wanted to say that this:
';down at the Bees Knees Inn putting the BUZZ on some unsupecting Queen.';
AND ACCURATE! Let's not forget that, ok?!?!?
since it is thinner than honey bee honey, probably a lighter yellow. bumble bees do not make enough honey to make gathering it worthwhile.
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