Monday, November 30, 2009

What is the difference between a ';bumble bee'; and a carpenter bee?

I thought carpenter bee's were big black and yellow bees...any information on this will be of great help, thanks!What is the difference between a ';bumble bee'; and a carpenter bee?
Carpenter bees nest in excavated wooden tunnels. Bumble bees nest in the ground. Carpenter bees are robust, heavy-bodied bees that range 戮 to 1 inch in length. The carpenter bee can be identified by having bright yellow, orange or white hairs on the thorax and a black shiny abdomen. The bumble bee has a hairy abdomen, black or yellow in color. The male carpenter bee can be identified by having white markings on the head. carpenter bee's top abdomen is nearly bare with no areas of yellow hair and metallic blue/black color. Carpeneter bees bore into wood and bumble bees don't. carpenter bees have no pollen baskets on their hind legs-whereas female bumble bees do.What is the difference between a ';bumble bee'; and a carpenter bee?
In northern Calif. they're pure black. They are shaped the same and bumble bees have various markings, depending upon which.

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