Monday, November 30, 2009

What fish could I put with a bumble bee goby?

I really like them bumble bee gobys but I don't know what fish I need to put in with them. and what water conditions do they need? eg. Heater, filter, what level of Ph and stuff.

Anything is appreciated :]What fish could I put with a bumble bee goby?
Bumble bee gobies are nice little fish but could be suited for brackish water,but I have been told that they will be OK in fresh water. I have kept them in fresh water with no chemicals added and they lived alright. The usual filter and heating as for other tropicals 75F. They do well with live daphnia as well other live foods.

Tank mates small tetras and barbs but without salt in the water.What fish could I put with a bumble bee goby?
Brackish water fish need more salt than other aquarium fish. Some brackish fish are the offspring of marine fish who swim inland to freshwater and spawn. Others are fish who spend their whole life in mildly salty (brackish) water. We recommend keeping aquarium books and magazines for references.

Housing: Add 1-2 tablespoons of salt per gallon. Keep pH 7.2-7.8

Feeding: Feed 2-3 times a day with standard foods a variety of quality foods. Use flake foods, frozen brine shrimp, frozen bloodworms and Formula one, frozen foods and plankton. Live brine shrimp on a regular basis is recommend.

Fish that can live with them include:Archers, austrailian rainbows, celebese rainbows, flounders, mollies, columbian sharks, green spotted puffers, knight gobies
Bumble bees need brackish water. Although there are two types only one (Brachygobius xanthozona ) can survive in fresh water. Keep it brackish. Marine salt only with a hydrometer reading around 1.005 -1.01 Do not keep these guys in a fresh water tank so no fresh water fish. Brachygobius nunus are brackish and will not do well in fresh water. You need to know what kind you have. If the store cannot tell you look at the black stripe if it is solid and unbroken it is a Xanthozona if it is banded or broken it is a nunus

Current should be centered towards the bottom of the tank. Gobies are ambush hunters and won't go out of their way for food. Most also will not eat flake foods.

Keep lots of hiding places for your fish. Rocks, pots, caves etc.

figure eight puffers make great tank mates and will not bother the gobies. Other gobies (although you do not want to overcrowd or there will be boarder disputes) Although mollies and guppies are great tank mates guppies tend to get eaten and the molly fry as well. Many people keep mollies and guppies with them for this reason. Swordtails, some barbs, gouramis, tetras, rainbows, plecos (yes they are salt tolorent) and cory cats however the plecos and cats also inhabit the lower end of the tank which may cause problems if you are housing in a small tank.

PH should be around anywhere between 6.5 and 8 (a stable ph is better than a specific number here). Hearter and filter are needed for your fish.鈥?/a>

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